Item 2596Born Free
New York: Pantheon Books, 1960. hardcover. 8vo 220pp. story of a lion cub raised as a pet and then trained to re enter the wild. #02661.
New York: Pantheon Books, 1960. hardcover. 8vo 220pp. story of a lion cub raised as a pet and then trained to re enter the wild. #02661.
New York: Pantheon Books, 1960. hardcover. 8vo 220pp. story of a lion cub raised as a pet and then trained to re enter the wild. #03005.
Garden City, New York: Garden City Publishing Company, 1923. Memorial Edition. hardcover. 8vo 267pp. from Foreword: "I have written this Foreword, not after reading the manuscript of the volume thoroughly, but after a quarter of a century acquaintance with the experiences, thoughts, and ideals of the author himself. This is.....
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2000. first US edition. hardcover. 4to 264pp. from front flap: "200 kilmetres north-west of Mount Isa, Queensland, lies one of the most significant fossil deposits in the world--Riversleigh. Here, the remains of many thousands of weird and wonderful prehistoric animals have been superbly preserved in.....
New York: Harper and Brothers, 1956. hardcover. 12mo 157pp. from front cover: "Simple, challenging, real-life experiences showing how animals communicate with each other and with people who understand them" #01575.
New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2005. first edition. hardcover. 8vo 324pp. from front flap: "Now as never before, exotic animals and plants are crossing the globe, borne on the swelling tide of human traffic to places where nature never intended them to be. Bird-eating snakes hitchhike to Hawaii in.....
New York: Pantheon Books, 1966. Leonid. hardcover. 8vo 203pp. second printing July 1966. from front flap: "The Oysters of Locmariaquer (pronounced Loc-maria-care) is the story of the oysters of northern France known to be among the best in the world. It is a vivid, objective account of how these oysters.....
New York: Atheneum, 1963. Leonard Shortall. Weekly Reader Children's Book Club (first thus). hardcover. 8vo 57pp. a young boy and his pie stealing horse. #02046.
New York: Harper and Brothers, 1961. first edition. hardcover. 8vo 116pp. from front flap: "By honing their wits on this book, bird watchers will also sharpen their eyes for the field. There is fun in these quizzes--would the cedar waxwing or the evening grosbeak be the better emblem for a......
New York: Dover Publications, 1964. William Steig. softcover. 8vo 114pp. Dover T1273. see pictures for snyopsis. #02213.
San Francisco: Holden Day, 1962. Bill Clark and Vincent Dethier. softcover. 8vo 119pp. foreword by N. Timbergen. see pictures for synopsis. #03303.
New York: Harper and Brothers, 1948. first edition. hardcover. 8vo 235pp. stated first edition. from front flap: "In putting these episodes together, Eckstein, the incomparable observer of nature, has chosen some common theme in man's many-sided life and presented an incident in the life of a nonhuman creature which illuminates.....
Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1929. hardcover. 8vo 90pp. from Foreword: "The course in General Zoology at the University of Pittsburgh has been built around the local needs, conditions and training of its staff with the recognition that in the great majority of cases this will be the student's only contact.....
Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1968. first edition. hardcover. 8vo 143pp. from front flap: "Many of the fishes featured in this book are considered common and are familiar sights in homes, schools, pet stores, and public aquariums. However, few people realize how bizarre and incredible are teh characteristics and habits of.....
Reseda, California: Bird Haven Publishing, 1955. Revised Edition. soft cover. 12mo. 80pp. + 20 color illustrations. from Preface: "The object of the book is to aid those who are desirous of acquiring a pair or a collection of these popular birds, to offer suggestions as to their proper food and.....
New York: Viking Press, 1980. Muriel Foster. hardcover. 16mo. oblong. unpaginated. illustrated in color and b/w. includes publisher pamphlet. #02575.
New York: Gramercy Publishing, 1959. first edition. hardcover. 8vo 128pp. from front flap: "The world is full of fascination, but children are not sufficiently encouraged to explore its wonders. The trees, the rocks, the oceans, the birds and ants and fish are all around us, and too often go unnoticed.....
New York: Thomas Y Crowell and Co, 1963. Ed Emberley. Weekly Reader Children's Book Club (first thus). hardcover. 8vo unpaginated. a "Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science Book" Weekly Reader Children's Book Club Edition. all about how much, how often, where, and what birds eat. #02045.
New York: iUniverse, 2005. softcover. 8vo 117pp. see pictures for synopsis. #03328.
Cape Cod, MA: Scrimshaw Press, 1979. softcover. 8vo 80pp. third printing. see pictures for synopsis. #03302.
Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books, 1999. hardcover. 8vo 200pp. fourth printing. from front flap: "Life on the Edge offers a completely new and revealing perspective on the phenomenon of life. It describes life on Earth--not by the rules, but by the exceptions ot them. Which degrees of high or low temperature.....
St. Martins Press, 1977. first edition. hardcover. 8vo 432pp. Third in the series of memoirs by Yorkshire veterinarian. #01037.
New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1897. hardcover. 12mo 596pp. from Preface: "My object, in writing the book, has been to make it useful to those who wish to become acquainted with the broad outlines of what is at present known of the morphology of the Invertebrata; though I have.....
University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1986. first edition. hardcover. 8vo 241pp. from front flap: "Sucking lice, distributed worldwide, are insects of major medical and veterinary importance as parasites, pests, and vectors of animal and human diseases. This book brings together concise information on the diagnosis, synonymy, hosts, distribution.....
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1955. first edition. hardcover. 8vo 243pp. introduction by E.B. White. from front flap: "SPIDER, EGG, AND MICROCOSM takes the reader into three strange and wonderful worlds of scientific inquiry. Here he will be entranced as he observes with Dr. Petrunkevitch the mysterious ways of the.....